Spiritual healing through intuitive guidance and self-empowerment

Astrological Reading

$45 (35 mins)

A 35-minute video session with you in which we will discuss and analyze the placements and positions of the stars in the sky at the moment of your birth.

This will equip you with tools to better understand your past, present, and future, enabling you to resolve lingering issues and maximize your potential.

Lunar eclipse illustration
Lunar eclipse illustration
yellow green and red floral print cards
yellow green and red floral print cards

Intuitive Tarot Reading

$35 (30 mins)

A 30-minute video session with you in which I will consult the tarot and oracle cards to answer any questions that may be concerning you in your life.

The tarot, while it does not tell the future is a great tool for self-development and understanding of your current life situation.

Spiritual Counseling (“La Platica”)

$65 (60 mins)

An hour-long confidential heart-to-heart video session, where you share what is on your heart and mind, and why you have brought yourself to be seen.

As an initiated medicine woman I will receive and relay guidance to you from your higher self and spirit guides to help you on your journey.

a woman standing in front of an open door
a woman standing in front of an open door

About Me

My name is Lindsey Mercedes and I am a healer, an intuitive guide, a therapist, a psychic (clairvoyant, clairsentient, claircognizant), a scholar, and a mystic.

The Void has been viewed as a place of confusion, fear, sadness, and what feels like stagnancy. We all come across the Void many times throughout our lives.

Similar to The Tower in the Major Arcana of the Tarot, entrance into the Void usually comes after a shocking and unexpected event. Events that trigger the Void state are:

  • a breakup

  • death of a loved one

  • getting a separation or divorce

  • being a child of separation or divorce

  • being a child of abuse

  • receiving a life-threatening diagnosis

  • living with a chronic illness

  • losing your job (getting fired)

  • and much more…

It’s easy to get stuck in the Void for too long, and it’s difficult to navigate through when also overwhelmed in our everyday lives.

I have spent more time than I can count in the Void state, and I have learned how to face the darkness. I now experience the Void as a space of absolute potential where we can release the past, accept the present, shape our future and align with a truer version of ourselves. In the Void, I have released old versions of myself, until I was able to understand and know myself.

My intention now is to be a guide for others who are also lost and unsure of where to go next. I strongly stand by Shadow-Work and believe without delving into our inner selves and past experiences, it’s impossible to be truly connected to ourselves and others.

Get in touch.

Healing in the Void, LLC and Lindsey Mercedes Legal Disclaimer

All Readings Given By Lindsey Mercedes for Healing in the Void, LLC Are For Entertainment Purposes Only.

No guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a Reading. All Readings and questions answered are subject to your own interpretation and judgment, and should not be taken as absolute. Readings, Spiritual Advice and Intuitive Guidance are not intended to replace the advice and care of a Professional in regards to Legal, Financial, Business, Health and/or Medical Matters. Any Decisions made, or Actions taken by you as a result of your Reading are your sole Responsibility. Lindsey Mercedes for Healing in the Void, LLC assume no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions or actions, subsequent to, or based on Readings. Lindsey Mercedes for Healing in the Void, LLC does not offer Readings to anyone under 18 years of age. By purchasing a Lindsey Mercedes for Healing in the Void, LLC reading, you confirm you are 18 years of age or over and agree to the terms and conditions stated by Lindsey Mercedes for Healing in the Void, LLC

(571) 310-6050‬